About Me

I’ll introduce myself in a moment but first, let’s talk about you!

Do you want to take control of your money — not be controlled by your money? Then you’re in the right place, get started on your journey to financial freedom?

Our Story

My Journey & How I Got Here

Hi, I’m Andrew – the owner of this MSU. This is my story.

One day, while browsing through social media, I came across a post that piqued my curiosity. The post was about a family who had managed to retire in their early 30s thanks to a strategy called FIRE. Intrigued, I started doing some research, and what I found amazed me.

The FIRE movement is all about achieving financial independence at a young age and retiring early. It’s about saving and investing aggressively, living frugally, and building wealth over time. The goal is to have enough money saved and invested that you can retire comfortably in your 40s or even earlier.

I was immediately drawn to this idea. It seemed like such a simple concept – save more, spend less and invest the difference! Although for many this comes at the expense of extreme deprivation – even on six figure salaries.

Could I Really Retire By 45?

After some more research of the financial independence retire early (FIRE) movement, I was intrigued by the idea of retiring by 45. But as I delved deeper into the concept, I realized that I didn’t want to sacrifice my love of travel and adventure to achieve financial freedom.

Fortunately, I discovered that it’s possible to balance a great lifestyle with smart financial planning. I started by setting realistic goals for myself and making a budget that included money for travel and other experiences that brought me joy.

I learned how to save money on flights and accommodations by being flexible with my travel dates and using rewards points from credit cards. I also looked for creative ways to earn extra income such as freelance writing and this website!

Balancing Lifestyle And Financial Goals

By living frugally in other areas of my life, I was able to keep saving enough money to continue traveling to new and exciting destinations. This includes the likes of Costa Rica, Vietnam and Bali. And when I wasn’t traveling, I invested in stocks and other assets.

It hasn’t always been easy, and there have been times when I’ve had to say no to expensive items in order to stay within my budget. But overall, I’m proud of the balance I’ve achieved between my love of travel and my financial goals.

I’m now on track to achieve financial independence by 45, but I’m not planning on stopping there. With the skills and habits I’ve developed through the FIRE movement, I feel empowered to continue pursuing my goals and living a life that’s full of adventure and excitement, both now and in retirement. This is all whilst on the average UK salary.

Live For Today, Save For Tomorrow

Through smart financial planning and a commitment to balance, I’ve been able to live a fulfilling life that’s both adventurous and financially secure.

My Goal

My goal is to achieve financial independence and retire early by the age of 45. To reach this goal, I am focused on saving aggressively and investing wisely in a diverse range of assets. I am also committed to living frugally and keeping my expenses low, while still enjoying the things that bring me joy. With discipline and determination, I am confident that I will achieve my goal and have the freedom to pursue my passions and live life on my own terms.


My vision is to achieve financial independence and retire early by the age of 45. I see myself living a life free from financial worry, with the ability to travel, pursue hobbies, and spend time with loved ones without the constraints of a traditional career. I envision a future where I am financially secure and able to give back to my community in meaningful ways. With hard work and dedication, I see myself reaching my financial goals and creating a life that’s both fulfilling and purposeful.


My pursuit of financial independence and early retirement is rooted in several core values, including discipline, self-reliance, and a commitment to personal growth. I also prioritize responsible financial management and the need to live within my means while still enjoying life. For me – Living for today is important but so is saving for tomorrow.

Recent Years

My Journey in the Numbers


Graduated with barely a penny to my name, at a time of record youth unemployment in the UK.

  • Zero Savings
  • Zero Investments
  • Psychology Degree
  • Minimal job experience


After just a couple of years, I’d built up some savings but had no idea what to do with it!

  • 20k in cash savings
  • No investments (apart from Pension)
  • Moved to Yorkshire
  • Earning around £21,500/year. By 2020 my salary was still only circa £27,000.


At the start of 2022 my investments were starting to compound up!

  • £80,000 net worth
  • £45,000 in a S&S ISA
  • £12,000 in a help to buy ISA
  • Visited over 25 countries
  • 2020 quit my job to travel SE Asia
  • Lived in Australia for 6 months in 2020
  • Salary of circa £30,000 – 2020 to 2022.
  • 2023 – New job on over £40,000


Please note that investing in financial markets involves risks, including the possibility of losing some or all of your invested capital. Any investment decision you make should be based on your own research and analysis, and you should seek professional financial advice before making any investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results, regarding an investment’s potential performance


Get In Touch

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