Money management is all about making your money work for you. There are some awesome free apps for saving money that can help with that. Whilst you want to stay in control of your money, nobody wants to live a life of restriction. You might think that saving money requires you to give up things you love. It’s actually the exact opposite. Efficient money structures free up cash for things that hold meaning to you.

Focusing on what works for you, is the best way to achieve your long-term financial goals. Financial technology (FinTech) is the perfect long-term solution to budgeting. With budgeting technology we can ensure our money flows we want it to. If it doesn’t we can put a stop to it! There are some awesome free apps that you can download.

How Fintech Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals

Those of you familiar with this website, will also know about FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Having access to meaningful spreadsheets and apps is at the core of this goal. This is because easily tracking of your you savings rate, spending and net worth is crucial.

You may also have more short-term goals such as paying down debt, saving for a house or a luxury holiday. Tracking your spending and account balances is key to achieving those objectives too.

Whilst they are great objective tools, they also have intangible benefits. Money tracking tools promote conscious spending, which is a money management super power. In complete contrast to telling yourself you can’t have something, you learn to sustainably spend your money.

This is because you are more on control of the money you spend when it comes to fixed costs, discretionary expenses. This frees up cognitive band-width for guilt free spending.

This all starts with simple budgeting apps, which can help you outline a budget in minutes. They can allow you to create financial goals and spending plans. This is forms a key part of automating your finances. By automating your expense tracking, you simplify your money management.

This takes the stress and hassle out of money. You take away all the tediousness of saving money. Which means you have more time to plan where you want to spend it. This is infinitely more fun!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice and you are responsible for your own financial decisions. When investing capital is at risk. This article may contain affiliate links.

My Favourite 3 Budgeting Apps & Tools To Help With Money Management

The below tools can help you craft your finances and simplify your spending. This incredible technology will help you streamline your efforts to save money. They will also save your time and energy understanding where your money is going.

There are also some great perks such as not needing to remember all your pins! This is just one of the heaps of reasons why they are some of the best free apps for saving money.

#1 Snoop | Get Snoop. Start saving.

Snoop is my go-to app when it comes to tracking my finances and net worth. This is because you can track your spending and monitor subscriptions. Snoop will also give you recommendations and switching options for your bills.

Snoop slices, dices and categorises all your spending, giving you an instant and in-depth understanding of what’s going where. You can also track your spending against the previous month. This is great because it gives you a benchmark of how you’re doing with your spending. You can gamify your finances by trying to beat the previous month!

The most powerful feature of Snoop is that you can connect all your bank accounts. This means you can paint full and complete picture of your finances in seconds.

Download the Snoop App by clicking here.

Snoop Best Budgeting App For Couples

#2 Revolut | One app, all things money

Revolut is a great is ideal for people looking for an all in-one money app. From easy money management, to travel perks and investments. I opened an account within minutes! Honestly, it’s probably the easiest digital bank account I’ve ever opened. Within minutes I have access to loads of great features.

It also has some amazing money management features to help you with smart spending. It’s finance tracking made simple. This means you can take control of your money with smart budgeting and analytics tools. Set limits to help you stick to your budget and get pinged to stay on track.

I would need a separate article to outline all of the cool feature available with Revolut. To name just one, you can organise your subscriptions in Revolut to track your spending and see where you could save.

With Revolut, there is also an added level of protection for your savings. That’s to never get charged for a trial again. This is because Revolut can detect when free trials are ending and alert you ahead of time so you can decide if you want to cancel.

Download the Revolut app by clicking here.

#2 Curve | Your Cards, Rewards & Cashback in One Payment Card

Take control of your money with one card and one app to supercharge your finances without switching banks. Since getting a Curve card, I’ve not used any of my bank cards. For a start a would probably lose out on heaps of cashback. In fact, I’ve forgotten the pin for most of my cards now. This is because Curve is a payment card that aggregates multiple payment cards through its accompanying mobile app. This allows you to make payments and withdrawals from a single card.

If you pay on the wrong card, you can switch the bank card you paid with after each transaction is complete. This Is known as the ‘go-back-in-time’ feature. Curve also gives you the full picture of your finances, so it’s super-easy to track your money and budget for the future. All you need to do is spend under your one umbrella card.

In short, Curve let’s you take control of your money with one card and one app to supercharge your finances. All without the hassle of switching banks.

Download the Curve card app by clicking here. You’ll also earn £5 in cash to spend with your Curve card via my exclusive link.

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Which Is Money Management App Is Best For You?

What is the best free app for saving money? This is a trick question because the answer is all three. Each of the apps above gives you an extra layer of money management wizardry! You can group and track all of your spending with Snoop, use Revolut to save as your spend with rewards and earn up to 1% on your savings.

Then you can use Curve to earn even more cashback. You use Curve to spend from your existing current account, Revolut account and even credit cards!

You won’t go back once you download these apps. They’ll become critical components of your money management system. Helping you track your money, earn cashback and much more.

Remember to get your free £5 cash offer from Money Side Up, when your download the Curve card app.

Free Apps For Saving Money That Everyone Should Be Using
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Free Apps For Saving Money That Everyone Should Be Using
Money management is all about making your money work for you. There are some awesome free apps for saving money that can help with that. Whilst you want to stay in control of your money,
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Money Side Up
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