You may be feeling like you need something to kickstart your productivity right now. The world is pretty much in lockdown and you are looking for a way to unleash your creative energy. This is just one of many reasons to start a blog. In my humble opinion, blogging is actually one of the most cathartic resolutions to this problem. Personally, I am glad I decided to start my blog all those months ago because it’s given me a productive outlet whilst I’m stranded in Australia.

It can be difficult to start a blog; firstly because of the fear you won’t make it and secondly because it seems complicated and thirdly because even if you do succeed what will you actually get out of it? I want to try and answer these self-doubts in one simple post. So, even if you are not in lockdown, here are 5 reasons to start a blog today and most of them are unrelated to monetizing your potential blog (although that is no. 5).

1. It’s a fun hobby and a way to pursue (or find) your passion

When I started my blog, it was because I was reading a ridiculous amount of financial and investing information, and as a result I was forming new ideas and having interesting conversations with people (online and offline). I started a blog because I needed to find a productive format to share this information and my ideas. This was all because of a concept known as Financial Independence which sparked me into a new way of thinking. Little did I know it would evolve into a hobby and a passion that I spend time on most days.

This could easily be the same for you, I’m sure there is something you are involved in, you read about or follow and unlike regular employment, no one even has to pay you to do it. The question is, why would you not channel this into a potential side hustle? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you spend most of your time doing when you are not at work?
  • What are 3 things that you are most knowledgeable about?
  • What do you spend a significant amount of money on?

These are all things you can write about.

2. You can help someone else

The truth is, there is nobody else like you out there. You may know things about your chosen field of topic of interest that no one else does. Maybe you just have a different perspective on the world. Either way, you can use this to everyone’s advantage by solving someone else’s pain point or problem. Even if it just involves some friendly guidance or coaching.

  • Do you have a particular pain point that you wish someone would solve?
  • What’s something you struggle with that you wish someone had the answer to?
  • Is there something you wish you’d have had someone to teach or talk to you about?

3. It’s a learning opportunity

The benefits of starting a blog are extensive. Even just a year ago, If you would have asked me about affiliate marketing, SEO, wordpress, copywriting, html codes, domain hosting, content writing, lead magnets, you would have been given a confused look in reply. However, you can learn an incredible amount as you go along just by having a go. However, in your attempts you’ll also develop an interest in podcasts, books and other blogs that you wouldn’t have thought to look at before. For example here are some things I now find interesting:

  • The SPI podcast is pretty much the only podcast I listen to. It’s all about online business and creating a passive income.
  • The last audiobook I listened to was the 4-Hour Work Week.
  • The last paper book I read was probably Shoe Dog: A memoir from the creator of Nike
  • The next book I plan to read is either Pat Flynn’s Superfans or The Lean Startup.
  • My favourite section of the newspaper is now the Guardian business section.

4. You can join a community

There are various online communities you will find in your niche. You don’t have to look at blogging as though everyone is a competitor. Sure that’s how some people will see it but you don’t have to. At least in the personal finance community, I’m yet to have an unsupportive conversation. Yes people may dispute your ideas but this is usually in a constructive and good natured way. I can recommend a number of bloggers and twitter profiles of people that are always happy to help and support you. In fact, I’ll name just a few right now:

5. It can lead to a side-hustle

Now for the point that some of you will be waiting for. Yes, there are bloggers out there that make £100,000, £10,000 or even £1,000 a month but what about the rest of us who are yet to create a blog or in the very early stages? In my humble opinion, the answer is yes you can. I have admitted in my post Can you really make money blogging, that I even set the arbitrary goal of earning £1 as proof of concept.

However, I have achieved what seemed like an even crazier target of earning $100 now. In fact, you can read how I made my first $100 and how you can too. Depending on the nature of your blog, you can also make affiliate sales by selling or marketing products you like. Another option is sponsored posts for money or free gifts.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, then start a blog with my guide on how to create a blog in under 20 minutes. This is a 5 step how-to-guide to starting a blog from a beginner perspective if you need a little more help and tips, so you can avoid my mistakes.